Become a Member

Let Your Voice Be Heard

Together your voice and the voices of others will unite and be heard so the quality of life for people with disabilities and everyone will improve.

The Arc of Indiana County provides information and support to people with developmental delays or other disabilities, their families and the community by identifying barriers, building partnerships and realizing solutions so all children and adults with disabilities can be included in every community. When you join The Arc of Indiana County, you will also become a member of The Arc of Pennsylvania and The Arc of United States. You will receive newsletters and information about the membership benefits. Together your voice and the voices of others will be heard and the quality of life for everyone will improve.

If you are a person with developmental delay or other disabilities you can join for free using our web form , or you can print and send in the membership form here.

To join online, select the membership level from the drop down and then click the “Pay Now” button to pay by credit card.    Or, if you’d prefer to pay by check, you can click here to view a printable form, which you can complete and mail with your check.


Membership Levels